成人教育 and 读写能力

Hawkeye 社区 College’s 成人教育 and 读写能力 (AEL) Program offers High School Completion (formerly known as GED), English Language Learning (ELL), and Integrated Education and Training (IET) classes. 学生 who are enrolled in these programs will also have the opportunity to take U.S. Citizenship and Family 读写能力 classes, as well as to receive support services in transitioning to further 教育 and training and being connected with community partners and resources. These classes are designed to help you meet your work, 教育, 家庭, and life goals as workers, 学生, 家庭成员, and citizens/community members.

Hawkeye's 成人教育 and 读写能力 Program is proud to be a part of the Iowa Workforce Development and IowaWORKS system as Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title II. This is an 成人教育 and Family 读写能力 (AEFLA) program. AEFLA is the largest federal investment in adult 教育 and literacy and is administered by the Office of Career, 技术, and 成人教育 (OCTAE) at the U. S. Department of Education.

Contact Information

Director of 成人教育 and 读写能力 Programs

Laura Hidlebaugh
凡克. Miller Adult Learning Center
319-296-2329 ext.2005
电子邮件 Laura Hidlebaugh

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爱荷华州工作. A proud partner of the American Job Center network.
